Product / BunkeringTanker Ice Class 1A
Ref Tank 3500-2009
Dwt: 3500 on 4.50 m
Built: Russia 2009
Class:RMRS KM(*) Arc4[1] AUT2 oil tanker(>60°C)(ESP) Ice class eqv. Sw/Fi 1A; Next SS/DD 2020/11
Dimensions: Loa 111.20 Lbp 107.28 Beam 13.48 Depth 6.20 Keel to Masthead 16.80
Cargo tanks: 6; 3,041 cbm; 2 segregations; coated Intershild 300
Cargo pumps: Vertical Screw Type; Allweiler Germany; 2 x 178 cbm /h
Cargo heating: Steam heating with stainless steel tubes
Main engines: 2 x MAK, Germany 1360 kW each
Speed: 11
Bow thruster
Stern thruster
Inspection North Russia Kola Bay area